21 ene 2016

Teachers are human, too

Today, I took a day off sick. 

And, as you can imagine, I feel very bad about it...

(source of the picture: http://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2012/dec/29/secret-teacher-sick-day-guilt-cover)

You can now add a feeling of guilt to that awful picture. Yes, guilt. 

Mainly because the date is not the most convenient one. Ok, OK, I agree. There are NO convenient days when we are talking about sickness but... it's exam week and I cannot afford to miss more days.
The following classes will take their exams tomorrow:

1ºB, 2ºESO D, 3º ESO D.

See you tomorrow then!

5 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I guess that the author of the comment re-read my post and realised that my group is not taking the exam tomorrow (the other group is one class ahead, that is why they are having the exam tomorrow morning).

  3. Esther soy de tu tutoría y nos preguntamos todos si podrías cambiar el examen al miércoles porque al faltar no hemos podido repasar y tenemos dudas que sería conveniente resolver antes del examen su pudiese ser

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por un administrador del blog.

  5. vengo buscando lo mismo que mi compañero, estoy buscando lo que dijiste que subirías para ayudarnos hacer el writting, ya que no e podido pasar por copisteria.
