21 nov 2015

World toilet day

Yes, you read it right. Last Thursday (November 19th) was the World Toilet day. When I told my students about it, they thought I was joking. 
They couldn't believe there was an official day dedicated to toilets.

However, if we take a look to the figures, it does not seem a joke anymore.

According to the UN, 2.4 billion (!) people do not have adequate sanitation. And... among the consequences of poor sanitation are an increasing risk of disease and malnutrition. 

And while I'm writing these lines, I'm thinking about a famous Oscar-winning film and a shocking scene. Do you know what I'm talking about?

(WARNING: Do NOT watch this video immediately before/after meal times. It is disgusting, nauseating and somewhat hilarious).

If you are interested, you can have a look at the following webpage.

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