5 nov 2015

Increasing visitors and a happy teacher

Admit it! You were looking forward to this post. 
I must confess. It is pretty amazing how the figure has increased lately.

I am aware that it is difficult to win regular readers, let alone increasing the blog traffic. I do have a bunch of the former, a.k.a (also known as) "my former students".
Hi guys!

I know you are! I can see it in the graphs, charts and lists that show me how many visits this blog guests. Let me share some of them with you!

Can you see what I see?
Over 10,000 visitors! Wow! 

I can't believe it!

My new students are to blame for this success. I know you are there, too.

Annnnnnd, I find this next chart very interesting, too. It gives us information about the location of the visitors to the blog during this week. 

Very informative, huh?

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