18 oct 2015

Ready, Steady..... GO!

And with this post I officially start the new season of the blog. 
I know, I know, it's been a while since the academic year started but... I've been extremely busy with the paperwork.

I'll put all my excuses aside and start posting new contents in here asap. I hope you like them :)

PS: A quick note to my former students. I MISS YOU guys! Hope you have a great year! I'm looking forward to hearing from you! 

3 comentarios:

  1. We are doing finee, we are looking forward to hearing from you too!! We miss you so much... :,( Remember that you are the best english teacher everrr Jajajajajaja lots of regards Estherrrr :)

  2. Teacher, we miss you!! The last year was funnier than this year, Althought the last year was more difficult that this year hahaha. When will we meet again? I hope see you soon Esther!! When you want you could go at Punta OF Moral xdddd hahahahaha
    Best wishes.

  3. Awwww!
    You know how to make a teacher super happy, guys! You are the best!
    I'll try to pay you a visit as soon as I can!
    Annnnd good luck for your exams!
