7 jun 2015

Teacher's pet

The other day some of my bravest students left some comments on one of my posts. And the reason why I call them brave is not that they look like this:

Apparently, my students are embarrassed  afraid to leave a comment on this blog (sigh). However, there are always some daredevils :)

Last day, I found myself laughing when one student used the Spanish expression for "the teacher's favourite student" when his/her classmate left a comment on the blog. Don't worry, they get along very well and they were just joking.

I guess this student used the Spanish word because he/ she didn't know the English translation. So here I am, trying to solve this problem in my IDIOM OF THE WEEK SECTION:

We've all been students and we've all encountered that boy/girl who always knew the right answer. Right?

Well, you can now learn a new English idiom related to school:

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