13 jun 2015

Resits / Recuperaciones

Recuerdo que el examen de recuperación tendrá lugar el próximo martes, tal como está apuntado en el calendario de clase. 

Si alguno tuviera dudas sobre si debe presentarse o no, que me mande un comentario al correo del blog. 

De todos modos, recuerdo que los alumnos que suspendieron el último examen deberán presentarse al examen de forma obligatoria. Además, ya el viernes avisé a aquellos alumnos que aprobaron el último examen y aún así deben presentarse a la recuperación.

Ruego difundáis esta noticia a aquellos compañeros que están despistados.

More answers

Some of you wanted more reading practice and I told you that I would upload some exercises. Well, look at page 77-80 in the workbook. It is a new section which offers Extra Practice. We didn't have enough time to do it in class, but you can do it at home and use the following answer key to check your progress.



Exercise 1:
1. c
2. c

Exercise 2:

1. Employers may use the more serious tests to judge your suitability for a job
2. Quizzes shoud be realiable, which means that they give approximately the same results time after time.
3. You shouldn't take any of these quizzes seriously.

Exercise 3: 
1. They have correct answers.
2. They compare people with animals or fruit for example.

Exercise 4:
1. solely
2. straightforward
3. pet
4. favourite


Exercise 1:
2. c

Exercise 2:
1. The artist Christian Nold pioneerded the concept.
2. You can review Nold's maps on his website.

Exercise 3:

1. It's false because: "sensors to monitor changes in .... perspiration".
2. It's false because : " originally conceived as art..."
3. It's false because: "... to check if areas people perceive... really do ahve high rates of crime"

Exercise 4: 

1. Because sensors cannot determine whether biological reactions are caused by positive or negative emotions.
2. By showing them what type of environment people would feel comfortable living in.

Exercise 5:
1. points out
2. pioneered
3. stroll
4. viewed.


Exercise 1.
1. c
2. b

Exercise 2
1... will be included in the YOG
2. ... will be the number of participants in the summer YOG

Exercise 3:
1. ... they wanted to help youngsters compete against each other.
2.... which will start in 2010, will take place every second year.
3. ... that costs will be reduced.

Exercise 4.
1. take place
2. bring down
3. carry out
4. nearer

7 jun 2015

Teacher's pet

The other day some of my bravest students left some comments on one of my posts. And the reason why I call them brave is not that they look like this:

Apparently, my students are embarrassed  afraid to leave a comment on this blog (sigh). However, there are always some daredevils :)

Last day, I found myself laughing when one student used the Spanish expression for "the teacher's favourite student" when his/her classmate left a comment on the blog. Don't worry, they get along very well and they were just joking.

I guess this student used the Spanish word because he/ she didn't know the English translation. So here I am, trying to solve this problem in my IDIOM OF THE WEEK SECTION:

We've all been students and we've all encountered that boy/girl who always knew the right answer. Right?

Well, you can now learn a new English idiom related to school:

Last unit handout!

And here it is! The last handout! Hot from the oven! Including lots of revision exercises!

And I'm afraid I must remind you! In order to avoid the following situation...

This isn't a common unit. It's the LAST UNIT, guys. Remember these words: Continuous and Comprehensive Assessment

Yeah, I know, not your favourite words.

But, keep in mind that all the contents seen during this academic year may be included in your exercises (as I always do, btw).

So, pleaaaaaaaaaaaase, don't be like:

And study hard! Summer holidays are just round the corner!

Eye-deceiving art

Deceiving means lying but, you may wonder:

How can art deceive your eyes?

Have a look at the following video and you'll have the answer to the former question.


Click on the following link to download the reported speech handout.

Stay tunned! I'll be uploading some cumulative and revision exercises this evening. 

2 jun 2015

Burned out!

Some of my youngest students have told me that they are "burned out" from studying and taking tests. 

And I get it. We have three weeks left until the end of the academic year. And we all get "burned out" from time to time, whether it's studying, going to school... we all get tired sometimes!

So I thought I could take advantage of this unfortunate situation: you can now put that feeling into words! (English words, I mean)

Cumulative exercises for bachillerato

Can you see it?

2 weeks more, guys! Keep pushing!

You will soon have reached the finish line!

Meanwhile, I'll keep posting more and more exercises! (you know I can't resist it)