23 abr 2015

Happy book day!

Though I can be quite forgetful, I'm not blind to the fact that the world book day was on March, 15th.

However, in Spain we have our own Book day and it is celebrated today. And yes, I'm aware that today is also St. George. Spanish festivities are piling up, Phew! 

Btw, if there is a George/Jorge reading my blog, HAPPY NAME DAY!).

Anyway, as I was saying today is the Spanish book day and that means... DISCOUNTS in most Spanish book stores! YAY!

So, what better way to celebrate this day than grabbing a book?

It's time to walk the talk!

PS1: With this picture I show you that I'm keeping my New Year's Resolution (one classic per month).

PS2: Yep, that frizzy mane behing the book is mine (sigh)

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