25 abr 2015

Conditional Sentences --> Listening exercise

It's Saturday!
But my biological clock doesn't get it (sigh)...

Anyway, today I'm posting a special conditional activity. It focuses on the listening skills and I think it is a perfect activity for this Sunday afternoon (you now that it will be raining, right?)

In order to complete this activity you need to dowload the following worksheet:

It is a listening comprehension activity based on episode 15, season 2 of the famous American TV series HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER. 

 Let me introduce you the plot of this particular episode:

"When Ted misses his important business trip to Chicago, he tries to trace his steps back to the original incident that triggered the series of events that made him miss the flight"

It is the perfect episode to practise the 3rd conditional because....
Can you really change your past? 
Most probably not!

 You can download the episode in English with Spanish subtitles by clicking on the following link:

Or you can watch it online here:

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