17 mar 2015


I know, I know, spring hasn't started yet but... 

Here's my confession: I HATE SPRING. Period.

Do you want to know why?

Well, let me show you...

When springtime is around the corner I can feel it. Honestly, people, my whole body can feel it. Do you want to know the symptoms?

Symptom # 1: ITCHY EYES
That means no contacts for me during this season

Symptom #2: SNEEZING.

And last, but not least, Symptom # 3: A RUNNY NOSE

Oh... you don't know how a runny nose looks like?
Let me show you....

Or even better (wicked smile)

All in all, you can picture me like this (without the robe, of course, you all know that I'm more glamourous than that)

See you tomorrow in class.

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