24 abr 2017


Good afternoon!

I've just come back from the meeting in our school. As promised, some listening exercises are listed below.

Listening exercise 4, page 67 of the Student's Book

They discuss questions 3, 5 and 8.
3. On their mother's back (like the female scorpion). In their mother's mouth (to protect them from harm).
5. The wolf and the ant.
8. The amoeba and bacteria


Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.

1. Did you know that a ................. scorpion can have 30 babies at one time?
2. Baby crocodiles are kept in their mother's mouth to protect them from .....................
3. I'm ...................sure the amoeba is only one cell.
4. Ants can tell if another ant is a member of their own ........................ from its smell.

1. female
2. harm
3. pretty
4. colony

Listen to the following conversation and complete the sentences below:

1. As people, we often think of ourselves as the most ..............................live form.
2. But compared to bacteria, humans are not that......................... .
3. Bacteria can.......................... just about any environment.
4. It's important that you understand that most bacteria do not ................................. us.
5. Bacteria use chemicals to give information to each other about how to ...................................

1. dominant
2. impressive
3. adapt
4. threaten
5. behave

19 abr 2017

Resit Exam Practice--> Present Simple or Present Continuous?

Present Simple or Present Continuous

More causative exercises

With the exam approaching us, I thought that you might need more exercises!

(source of the picture: https://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj12JqGoq7TAhWJ2RoKHQ3gCx4QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fenglishteachermargarita.blogspot.com%2F2015%2F05%2Fhave-something-done-causative-structure.html&psig=AFQjCNGeQeBTIy8TmlfC18RDxWQuMKaeYQ&ust=1492613638575863)

Causative Sentences

Causative sentences 2

Passive voice Exercises

18 abr 2017

Resit Exam Practice--> Past simple and Past continuous

(souce of the picture: https://www.google.es/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjR9vWQqq7TAhXC1RoKHQ-SAi0QjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fsplitlessonsangela.blogspot.com%2F2014_10_01_archive.html&psig=AFQjCNGwxklR7QNtqRiwqQ9VemrJI6dwkQ&ust=1492616012896579)

Past Simple and Past Continuous

Past Continuous Exercises

Resit exam practice: Irregular verbs

Irregular verbs Crossword

Resit exam practice: Conditionals

Resits are coming and some of you asked for more exercises. 

Sorry, but I can only post the links to the exercises as my computer does not allow me to post any screenshots.

Anyway, I hope you give it a try to the following exercises. Hopefully, some of you will pass the test!

The passive voice--> Causative forms

Some of you looked worried last day in class while we were revising the causative forms... (that's right, revising... it should ring a bell).

Anyway, I'm posting a compilation of sentences so you can practice for the exam. If you have any doubts, refer them to me tomorrow in class.