29 may 2015

First things first

As promised, you can find below the answer key to the exercises 1, 2 and 3 of pages 108 and 109 (student's book).

Exercise 1:
1. were listening
2. had stopped
3. had rained
4. would get
5. was going to buy

Exercise 2
1. Sharon told me that she couldn't help me /him
2. Kevin shouted that they had bought tickets for the game.
3. My mum warned me that I would hurt myself if I weren't careful.
4. Simon admitted that he had forgotten to feed the cat.

Exercise 3:
1. She claimed that she had phoned him/her/me the day before.
2. She said that she was leaving then/ at that moment.
3. They told me that they had once stayed at that hotel.
4. He promised that he would see him/her/me the following week.
5. Steve told Kate that they had to meet there.

Workbook Answer Key, Unit 9 page 69
Exercise 1:
1. fashion
2. local news
3. horoscopes
4. business.
5. world news
6. travel

Exercise 2: 
1. entertainment
2. classified ads.
3. weather
4. editorial
5. national news
6. sport

Workbook Answer Key, Unit 9 page 70

Exercise 1
1. hadn't seen John
2. would help me with my homework
3. was cancelled
4. were getting married in the summer
5. hadn't heard anyone

Exercise 2
1. could start
2. had eaten
3. had won
4. the party was
5. to keep off
6. meet

Exercise 3: 
1. complained
2. suggested
3. promised
4. wanted to know
5. told

1 comentario:

  1. Esther,¿ puedes poner las soluciones de los ejercicios 3 y 4 de la página 76 del work book ?
