11 mar 2015


New idiom brought to you by popular demand (well, perhaps not soo popular, but you know I exaggerate things).

Well, some of your classmates were racking their brains because they couldn't translate the meaning of this idiom into Spanish... 

Let's start by giving you some context. Just imagine the following conversation:

A. How is Peter?
B. Oh, Sarah has him wrapped around the finger.

(Oh, the girl is Sarah and the tiny little man wrapped around her finger is Peter)

If the meaning is not clear yet, I'll copy the following definition (by courtesy of Urban Dictionary):

1. A term used when a girl has a guy under her command. 
2. Means the guy will pretty much follow their girl's every wish and do whatever she wants.

Well, this is an expression which usually appears in songs. Take the following as an example:

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