17 mar 2015

Question Tags

Hello everybody! 
How are you doing? Busy, I guess...

As promised, you've got below some theory and practise regarding QUESTION TAGS. Hope you find it useful!

Source: Mann, M. & Taylore-Knowles, S., Destination B1. Ed. Macmillan Education, 2008

ANSWER KEY. EVERYTHING FOR ESO (page 36, exercises 5 and 6)

Exercise 5.
1. It's very cold today, isn't it?
2. We don't speak French, do we?
3. I'm a good student, aren't I?
4. Steve likes reading, doesn't he?
5. They went to New York last summer, didn't they?
6. Someone's broken the window, haven't they?

Exercise 6.

1. Phil's lived here for two years, hasn't he?
2. John and Kate will come for dinner, won't they?
3. There's a dog at the door, isn't there?
4. Jane isn't happy, is she?
5. Nobody's coming tonight, are they?
6. Charles likes tennis a lot, doesn't he?

2 comentarios:

  1. Maestra sube las respuestas de lo ejercicios de la ficha de gramatica de 4° porfiiii ���������� recuperate ��

  2. I've just posted a new entry. You can find the answer key to the exercises of the copy set.
    Thank you for your encouragement :)
